Tom van der Giezen

Mortgage Advisor


Excellent service for a highly competitive fee

Our pricing is including closing cost (so no additional costs from the mortgage provider). Our fee is tax deductible.

Wat is je situatie?

Wat is inbegrepen?

  • Gratis oriëntatiefase

  • Volledig advies

  • Uitgebreid rapport

  • Afsluiten van de hypotheek (geen afsluitkosten vanuit de geldverstrekker)

Only pay when actually closing a mortgage


All pricing

Extra services

For a number of extra services we charge an additional fee

Dienst Tarief
Closing term life insurance (advice is always included in the standard fee) €75,-
Closing mortgage cost insurance (advice is always included in the standard fee) €75,-
A buy-to-let mortgage* €500,-
*To be payed in advance for an extensive inventory for buy-to-let mortgage, the amount paid is settled with the buy-to-let surcharge when you take out the mortgage €250,-
An additional request for a mortgage at your own request (in the rare event of a rejection one or multiple extra requests are included in the standard fee) €500,-
Financing a newly build property not being part of a project €200,-
Self-employed with a simple structure (Eenmanszaak / Single BV) €200,-
Self-employed with a complex structure (multiple BV’s, maatschap etc.) €500,-
Income from a employer not based in the Netherlands €200,-
A total mortgage amount exceeding €750.000,- €200,-
You currently own multiple properties (currently rented out, or meant to be rented out) €500,-
Splitting up the mortgage in case of a divorce or an ending of a relationship (the height of the additional fee depends on the provider) €250,-/€500,-
Expats (already included in shown prices) €200,-