Creating a sustainable home

A sustainable home will create a healthier environment for you, your family and the world. It will also add to a more comfortable indoor climate, help you safe costs on your electricity bill and create more value for your house. But where to start? We can help you explore all financial options for a better and greener home.

Take a loan or pay yourself

There is a broad scale of subsidies, schemes and special mortgage types to help you finance a sustainable home. But loaning money will always cost you money, no matter how favourable the conditions. Using your own savings will therefore create the cheapest way of implementing sustainability. If your savings are not sufficient enough, you can consider one of following options.


The Dutch government stimulates home owners to take sustainable measurements by granting an Investment Subsidy for Sustainable Energy (ISDE). This allowance can be used to connect to a greener heating network, apply insolation or install a heat pump or solar panels. It will cover only part of the costs, but it might be just the little aid you need to get a greener home.

Calculate your maximum mortgage

Start calculation


There are many types of schemes, from government, municipalities and banks. We limit ourselves here to explaining a loan that is provided via SVn (an independent non-profit foundation): the Sustainability Loan.

With this Sustainability Loan (or Duurzaamheidslening) you can borrow the money from your municipality at a favourable rate to make your home energy efficient. This loan can be applied to at some of the municipalities in the Netherlands. Other municipalities have their own kind of schemes that are very similar to the Sustainability Loan. Whether you can opt for the loan from SVn you can check their website.

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Mortgage types

Another option is to apply for a so-called bouwdepot (or building fund) to implement greener solutions for your home at your existing lender or a new one. If you want to create sustainability you can borrow up to 106% of the home value. Not all lenders offer this, but they might encourage sustainability for example by offering a lower interest rate on part of your mortgage.

At the moment, mortgage interest rates are often even lower than those of the (municipal) schemes, but you usually incur more costs for taking out a mortgage than for taking out a (municipal) scheme. So it certainly pays to calculate the difference and see which way will be most beneficial.

Would you like more information about your financial options to create a more sustainable home? A first orientation meeting at OHAO is always without obligation. Make an appointment with one of our mortgage advisors here.